Appium Tutorial Step by Step Appium Automation

Appium Tutorial 2021 is ready for all testers! I will use Appium Desktop and Android Studio to create a sample mobile test automation project for you. After that, we will continue with the Advance Appium Tutorial series. First,  we need to do a proper Appium Installation. Alright, Let’s start!

Appium Tutorial Prerequisites: JAVA and Maven Installation

Download JAVA JDK first. Here is the LinkJAVA JDK 11

Installation steps and configuration settings have described in this article at step-4 and step-5. 

For MACOS users please visit the below article for all installation needs.

Windows users will go on with the below installation steps. ;)

Android Studio Installation 

Let’s go to Android Studio Download and install Android Studio. After that, apply the following steps. Click the “Next” icons and finally click the “Finish“.


Click to download Android Studio based on your operating system Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, or Linux. We are going on with Windows.

After download the Android Studio, installation is straightforward. Click the next button.

appium download

Select all options and click the next button.

appium server

Select your directory or keep the default and click next. I kept it as default. ;)

appium desktop

and click the install button to start the installation process.


If it is your first time installing Android Studio then just select the “Do not import settings” option and click the OK button. If you are updating it, you can import your previous settings.

appium interview questions

Click the next button and continue.

appium capabilities

I installed the Android Studio with standard settings and configurations as shown below screenshot.

appium api

Select your UI Theme. I prefer Darcula because it is better for the eyes but you can go with the white classical theme if you want.

appium tutorial ios

Click the “Finish” button and install the required tools.

appium tutorial java

Then, just wait until all libraries to be downloaded and the installation to be finished.

appium tutorial android

After all these steps, click the finish button.

appium tutorial

After clicking the “Finish” button. Go to “Configure” > “SDK Manager” to get SDK information. It is required for Android SDK path settings.

Select your device’s or emulator’s Android API level (Version). We will go with Android 11 API, please install that one.

When took the below screenshot the latest version was 9.0 but for this example, we will go with Android 11. I am not using windows anymore thus I could not update the screenshot but I wanted to mention it to guide you correctly.

And select the required tools as shown below and click “OK.

appium inspector

Click OK one more time, please. ;)

ios testing

Click the Finish button and continue.

ios automation

After the installation of the required tools, go to the SDK Manager page and copy the SDK path as shown below. We will use it. ;)

android automation

Download RapidEE tool and install it and open it as administrator. 

android testing

And then add ANDROID_HOME variable and its path should be Android SDK’s path. Also, check your JAVA_HOME variable. JAVA_HOME should equal to JAVA SDK’s path.


Then, you need to add required Android tools and JAVA JRE paths to your system path as shown below.


After that, check your settings and installations. Open a command prompt window and type “sdkmanager –list” command as shown below.

mobile automation

and type “uiautomatorviewer” to check uiautomatorviewer is working properly.

mobile testing tools

Then, create a sample project in Android Studio and then click the link as shown below to install missing libraries.

what is appium

After installation, click the Finish button.

download appium

After installing missing libraries you will see the device and little and sweet android icon. :) When you click this icon, you will open the android virtual device manager.

install appium

Let’s create a virtual device. I will also explain how to do mobile automation with a real device too. Don’t worry. ;) Click to “+ Create a Virtual Device” button.


Then, select a virtual device in the device list.

To run ARM-based apk files on X86 platforms (windows or mac),
please refer to this article:

After coming back to the above article and after installing your device, you will see the below result.

Until now, we installed JAVA and Android-related libraries and did their settings and configurations. Now, it is time to download Appium.

Appium Desktop Installation and Configurations

Go to and click the “Appium-Desktop for OSX, Windows, and Linux” link.

download appium

On the below page, click “appium-desktop-Setup-1.20.2.exe” file. (I am writing this article the latest release is 1.20.2, you can install the latest version when you are installing appium.)


When the installation file downloaded, click run and start to install appium desktop.

install appium

When installation finished, double-click the appium icon and open the appium server as shown below.


Let’s click the “Advanced” tab and change the Server Address to “” and click Allow Session Override for override session when there will be problems and click “Start Server”. If you will use a real device and then use “” for “Server Adress”.


Set Android and JAVA home in Appium Desktop.


Give the required permission to Appium Server.

You will see the server up and running.


Android Virtual Device and Pre-Test Settings

Before starting the tests you can directly install your apk or xapk files if you have. In our example, first, we will install apk pure app.

After please open the apk pure app and search for any app you want to install. In this example, I will go with the “Isin Olsun” application. My previous company’s app. :-)

After clicking the install button, the app will be installed.

After these steps, when you click the app icon, you will see that it is opening as expected. :)

In order to find the splash activity, I installed the APK Info app via APK Pure application. For this, just open the APK pure app, search the “Apk Info” and install the app.

Then, I opened the APK Info app and find our application “İşin Olsun” and click it.

Then I saw all the information about our app. When I looked at the Activities section, I saw that our application is starting with ““. I will use this info in the automation code’s desired capabilities section. Also, I will use app package info which is “


Then, open a command prompt and write “adb devices” command to see connected devices and get the device ID as shown below.

mobile devices in automation

Go to your AVD’s setting tab and check your AVD’s Android Version as shown below. We will use these settings in our test project.


Then, open IntelliJ IDE and create a new project as shown below. First, select Maven and click Next button.

appium project

Then, write your project’s GroupId and ArtifactId. You can write the same as shown below. It does not affect anything, just naming.

project appium

Then, give a name to your project.

test automation

Then, click “Enable Auto-Import” in the right bottom corner.

mobile testing

Go to website and get all frameworks’ latest dependency information. We will use TestNG, Appium, Selenium.

Our POM.xml will look like as below. You can see appium’s, selenium’s, and TestNG’s dependencies. I used JAVA11 JDK in this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->

Create a new Java Class as shown below and give a name to your test class. For now, keep it empty, after emulator settings, we will come back to test code at the end of the article.

android testing

Now, let’s start the emulator get your device’s information from the android studio as shown below.


After starting the application on the emulator, go to the server and click the magnifier icon to open the inspector.


Then, start to enter the capabilities of your device as shown below in the inspector.


  "deviceName": "Pixel XL API 30",
  "platformName": "Android",
  "automationName": "UiAutomator2",
  "platformVersion": "11",
  "skipUnlock": "false"

Also, you can save these settings and use them later.


and click “Start Session” to start the inspector session to get your mobile elements ids. Get mobile element’s id’s as shown below. We will use them for our first mobile automation project.


After all of these steps, we need to write our test automation code.

How to Use Real Device instead of Emulator

In emulators, you may face some problems. When I tried to run my test on the emulator XPath locators did not work. Normally, I did not want to use XPath but in our app some for some elements I did not have other options. Then, I tried the same test on a real device, my test worked flawlessly and very fast. Thus, I suggest you use real devices instead of emulators. In order to use the real device we should do the followings:

  • Connect your real device to your laptop via a USB port.
  • Go to Settings > Developer Settings and enable the USB Debugging option.
  • Open the command prompt and type “adb devices” command and get your device ID.


Mobile Test Automation Project by Using Appium and TestNG

It is time to write some code for our Appium Tutorial. The test code of the project is shown below. I added inline comments. The most critical part is DesiredCapabilities, the rest of the code is very similar to Selenium and TestNG test automation codes. Also, you can find this project on GitHub.

Project’s GitHub URL:

Below code opens İsinOlsun app, skips splash screen, clicks “job search” button, then accepts notifications and then clicks the second job on the main screen and that’s all. :) It is easy because it is our first test case.

import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class ioSampleTest {
    public AndroidDriver<MobileElement> driver;
    public WebDriverWait                wait;
    //Elements By
    By jobsBy           ="");
    By allowWhenUsingBy ="");
    By searchingJobBy   ="");
    By animationBy      ="");
    By toolBarTitleBy   ="");
    public void setup() throws MalformedURLException {
        DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
        caps.setCapability("deviceName", "Pixel XL API 30");
        caps.setCapability("udid", "emulator-5554"); //DeviceId from "adb devices" command
        caps.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
        caps.setCapability("platformVersion", "11.0");
        caps.setCapability("skipUnlock", "true");
        caps.setCapability("appPackage", "");
        caps.setCapability("appActivity", "");
        caps.setCapability("noReset", "false");
        driver = new AndroidDriver<MobileElement>(new URL(""), caps);
        wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
    public void basicTest() throws InterruptedException {
        //Click and pass Splash
        //Click I am searching a job
        //Notification Allow
        if (wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(allowWhenUsingBy)).isDisplayed()) {
        //Click Second Job
        //Do a simple assertion
        String toolBarTitleStr = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(toolBarTitleBy)).getText();
    public void teardown() {

Then, run the test.

And the test should pass as shown below screenshot.

That’s all for this Appium Tutorial. I hope you successfully installed and configured all settings and run your mobile automation code.

If you have any questions please write a comment, me or another expert will try to help you.

GitHub Project

Other Appium Tutorials

Now, you can learn Appium Parallel Testing and How to set up your Own Wireless Mobile Device Farm!

Appium Parallel Testing on Real Devices

Appium Parallel Testing on Multiple Emulators

Appium Cucumber TestNG with Parallel Test Execution

Do you want to learn Appium Actions such as Tab, MultiTouch, Press, Swipe?

Appium Mobile Actions

I hope you like this article if you like it or if you have any troubles please share your comments with us. 

Onur Baskirt

103 thoughts on “Appium Tutorial Step by Step Appium Automation”

  1. Hey Onur…such a great tutorial by u…very well described and easy to understand. Can u make a tutorial on how to setup appium(not desktop) on mac with latest release. a step by step guide to install appium and run sample code. it would help me or might other people who are working on mac a lot. Thanks in advance

    • Thanks Ufuk. I hope I can but it really takes too much time. I am trying to create a global software testing blog from our country. But also some new blogs are coming with Turkish content. I am happy for that. :)

  2. Hi Onur,
    As appium going to release Java client 6, can you please share the codes for gesture handling like scroll,swipe,zoom,pinch,page scroll, swipe without using objects etc?

    Waiting for your response.

  3. Hi Onur:

    I have some issues trying to do the drag and drop.
    I’m not able to do that.
    Could you please help me?

  4. Hi Mr. Onur,

    While installing Android Studio, when I reached the “Verify Settings” step, the screenshot appears as below:
    Current Settings
    Setup Type
    SDK Folder:

    However, the “Verify Settings” page in your blog appears as follows:
    Current Settings

    Total Download Size: 1.07 GB
    SDK Components to Download:
    Android Emulator 239MB
    Android SDK Building –Tools 27.0.3 52.03MB
    Android SDK Platform 27 62.7MB
    Android SDK Platform Tools 4.52MB
    Android SDK Tools 149 MB
    Android Support Repository 339MB
    Google Repository 205MB

    Could you please explain if I may be doing something incorrectly causing this difference and if so, could you also please let me now what I need to do get the same information as in your document?

    Thanks in advance,

  5. Hi Onur,

    I just noticed that the 2 comments I left have been removed by moderator. Since the queries I posted are related to issues I am facing while installing the Android Studio following the instructions in your blog, would you please let me know if you want me to post them again?

    Thanks and Regards

  6. Hi Onur,
    I think I resolved the issue by clearing the contents of the directory “C:\Users\automation\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk” and reinstalling.

  7. Hi Onur,
    Thank you so much for replying patiently to my queries. It is 1st time that I have seen blog authors take time to respond and that too so fast. Thanks also for pointing me to the stackoverflow site. Currently I am continuing with installing the 2 SDKs that did not get installed in the original, which I am doing individually – each taking hours. Thanks for sharing very clear and easy to follow instructions.

  8. Hello Onur,
    There is a small typo. The “-list” in the command “sdkmanager -list” needs to be “–list” with 2 dashes instead of 1 dash as in “sdkmanager –list”. I noticed the 2 dashes when I viewed the screenshot from close.

  9. Thank you for your helpful tutorial, I have an error at the end of step-4 when I start a session, I see this message :
    An unknown serverside message…cannot the app package.
    I see the app in emulator close or somehow crashed!
    how can I solve this issue? thank you again

  10. Thank you again, I have tried to connect with other APKs like calculator and it is ok. But still, I have that problem with IsinOlsun and my application. the error on appium server is :
    Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot start the ‘’ application. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: ‘Command ‘C\:\\Users\\naser\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s 0eebac319805 shell am start -W -n -S’ exited with code 4294967295′; Stderr: ‘Security exception: Permission Denial: starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 } from null (pid=12948, uid=2000) not exported from uid 10139

    and from Inspector Session, I can not start and connect! Please Do advice me what should I do. Thank you again

  11. I Found my solution:

    install the latest version Appium v1.9.0
    Error was still there,
    ..” Security exception: Permission Denial..”.
    and the solution was in this link:
    in Command Prompt:
    adb shell am start -W -n -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000
    and done connected!

  12. Thank you so much for this detailed steps on latest. Can you please help also with identification of elements ? There are so many pages related to XCUITest iOS app testing and finding elements using predicate strings / class. But there is no clue about how do we implement in our selenium java. Any help on this will save lots of time

  13. Hi Onur,

    Great article! I tried following step by step on my Mac and got Appium installed (latest ver 1.8.2). I’ve also cloned the sample test project and fired it up in IntelliJ. It would start the İşin Olsun app on both virtual and physical devices, but timeout when waiting for UI element to become visible. I played around with the timeout value of the driver and increased to 1000sec, still the same. Looks like it is just not able to find any the UI elements at all. I have also try older versions of Appium included 1.3.1 which is used in your article. Still the same result. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance!


    • Hello Thomas, first thank you for your comment. I have not tried the latest Appium version. For the last 2-3 months, I am working on API automation. I highly suggest you try another application rather than IsinOlsun apk. In APK Pure you can find many apks. If the result is the same then we will talk again. For the İsinOlsun app please recheck the activities and try different activities for fire-up. Maybe the team has been changed some stuff in the app. I don’t know the latest status. I am not head of İsinOlsun IT team anymore. Thus, I don’t know the latest details.

  14. Hi,
    I am getting issue while opening the uiautomatorview in console window

    This is the error which I got

    ‘uiautomateviewer’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    ‘”C:\Users\HR\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\lib\\find_java64.exe” -s’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    ERROR: No suitable Java found. In order to properly use the Android Developer
    Tools, you need a suitable version of Java JDK installed on your system.
    We recommend that you install the JDK version of JavaSE, available here:

    If you already have Java installed, you can define the JAVA_HOME environment
    variable in Control Panel / System / Avanced System Settings to point to the
    JDK folder.

    You can find the complete Android SDK requirements here:

    Please help as I am unable to continue with your article


    • Hi, you have to do below steps which are explained in the article:

      1) And then add ANDROID_HOME variable and its path should be Android SDK’s path. Also, check your JAVA_HOME variable. JAVA_HOME should equal to JAVA SDK’s path.

      2) Then, you need to add required Android tools and JAVA JRE paths to your system path as shown below.

      3) After that, check your settings and installations. Open a command prompt window and type “sdkmanager –list” command as shown below.

      Please do these settings carefully, restart your PC and run the command again. If you have a problem, then check your installation folders and do a proper installation.

  15. HI Onur,
    Great article that was easy to follow.
    I had been banging away trying to get the different components up and running.
    Your instructions offered great clarity.
    Mobile Automation here I come!

    Kind regards,


  16. Hi onur,

    Would you please tell me how to fix the following error

    ‘uiautomateviewer’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    ‘”C:\Users\HR\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\lib\\find_java64.exe” -s’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    I have also set sdk variables in the system variable.

  17. Hi Onur,

    I am unable to install apk on my vertual device I got the following error
    While dragging the apk on my android virtual device

    “failed to start adb check settings to verify your chosen adb path is valid”

  18. Hi Onur,

    I am facing a problem wherein I am not able to find the elements that are within a FrameLayout, so while I run the appium script using the resource id, I get No such element found exception. Can you please tell me how to address this issue, as I am stuck with this case since past 2 months.
    I am using appium 1.8.1 desktop
    Also tried using automation name as UiAutomator2 but still of no help.

  19. Hi Onur,

    Thank you for your article, it helped me to set up my automation testing.
    I am facing a problem. I want to automate my test scenarios. How may I detect if my test scenario failed or passed?
    For example I am checking for user registration. when it finish I want to report in logs that registration finished successfully. How may I detect this?
    And one more question is how to restart test test scenario if application crashes?
    Appium 1.9.1.
    Python 3.7.2
    Work with real devices and emulators

  20. Hi Onur,
    Thank you for such a great tutorial
    It’s very helpful.
    I am doing the last part “code opens İsinOlsun app”
    but i have no idea how to do
    I am new to Intellij IDEA
    Didn’t know how to link with appium

    • You are welcome.
      Open the intelliJ and do the followings:

      Click New -> PRoject from Version Control -> Git

      Then copy and paste this URL:

      Then, sample project will open on IntelliJ. If you see, auto update maven indices just click ok. Maven will update the dependencies automatically.

      After these steps, run the test code. It may work but maybe will fail at clicking the second job because this app is not stable on the emulator.

      We are linking Appium and JAVA code with desired capabilities. You can find it also in the code. Like shown as follows:

      public void setup () throws MalformedURLException {
      DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
      caps.setCapability(“deviceName”, “Galaxy Nexus API 24”);
      caps.setCapability(“udid”, “emulator-5554”); //DeviceId from “adb devices” command
      caps.setCapability(“platformName”, “Android”);
      caps.setCapability(“platformVersion”, “7.0”);
      caps.setCapability(“appPackage”, “”);
      driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(“”),caps);
      wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

  21. Hi Onur
    I am new to Intellij IDEA, wonder that if i develop with community version will be okay?Cause i try to use community version to do the same thing, then find out there is no auto-import for maven project.


  22. Hi Onur,

    Can you post a tutorial on how to integrate Appium with the latest visual studio? I already have a project but I don’t know how to start integrating it to my visual studio.

    I already installed Appium desktop and Android studio and already connected it (I followed your steps above).

    Thanks in Advance!

          • Hi Onur,

            Why is intellij not recognizing these scripts?

            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@text=’Sign in’]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@text=’Make a Payment’]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./*[@text=’From :’]]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./*[@text=’Everyday Offset’]]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./*[@text=’To:’]]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“(//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./parent::*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./parent::*[@class=’android.view.View’ and (./preceding-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::*)[@text=’Select Account’]] and (./preceding-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::*)[@class=’android.view.View’]]]/*[./*[@text=’A C Green – 138899729′]])[1]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./*[@text=’Amount:’]]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.widget.EditText’ and ./parent::*[(./preceding-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::*)[@text]]]”)).sendKeys(“12.25”);
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.view.View’ and ./*[@text=’Description:’]]”)).click();
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@class=’android.widget.EditText’ and ./parent::*[./parent::*[./parent::*[./parent::*[(./preceding-sibling::* | ./following-sibling::*)[@text=’Description:’]]]]]]”)).sendKeys(“Test”);
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@text=’Make payment’]”)).click();

  23. Hi,

    I am getting this error. Kindly help!

    CMD command:

    C:\Users\anmolagarwal>sdkmanager -list
    Warning: File C:\Users\anmolagarwal\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
    Warning: Failed to find package -list

    And then when try to install the apk, it failes to install and gives this error –
    APK failed to install.
    Could not parse error string.

  24. Hi Onur,

    I’m getting this error. I copied your codes above.

    Apr. 17, 2019 11:23:14 AM io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor$1 lambda$0
    INFO: Detected dialect: W3C

  25. ohhh… i can
    it so weird that i try couple times to leave comments but failed
    it’s very help , thank you Onur

    but I have a problem that doing parallel test on 2 devices

    like i have applicatio to login
    open app
    input email
    input password
    press login

    everything is fine until input password
    A mobile will do input password and press login twice, but B mobile do nothing
    Do you have idea about this?

    thank you

  26. Hi Onur,

    would like to ask for creating a sample project in android studio in the above, is it select the basic activity project type?

  27. Getting error when running android mobile application

    org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find ‘adb.exe’ in PATH. Please set the ANDROID_HOME or ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variables to the corect Android SDK root directory path. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
    Command duration or timeout: 672 milliseconds

  28. Thanks for great article!

    But I have an error, when I run automation code, it just open the app on Android then close, do not proceed Click method, nothing happen at all.

  29. THX for this tutorial.
    For information, I spend a lot of time on JRE/JDK library compatibility.
    I am realy not a JAVA expert and the execution of the sdkmanager always failed.
    Then I realise I have to pay attention to get exactly the same version number of JDK and JRE.

    Now I have a good environement, I have to make my first test.

    • I am super happy to hear that! In appium automation, the first installations, versions compatibility, etc. are so crucial and I am so happy that this article helped you to have a stable and running appium automation environment. :)

  30. Good morning.

    I think Onur has my same problema. I’m following this tutorial, and now I see:

    “Then, create a sample project in Android Studio and then click the link as shown below to install missing libraries.”

    But how do we create that sample project? Maybe the tutorial should be updated including which option to select to create the project (“Basic activity”, or “Empty activity”, etc), and how to fill the form (name, package name, languaje, etc).

  31. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “” because “this.driver” is null

    Getting this error while running same code you mentioned


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