JIRA Integration to Test Automation Project

JIRA is a very important tool for most IT teams. It is an issue tracking product that allows bug tracking and agile project management. Today, I am going to tell how to integrate JIRA with your test automation project to create automatic bug records.

When I was working as a test consultant, most of the clients would ask the same question. Can we create a ticket to JIRA after a test fails? Of course, we can do it, we can develop any solution. But would that be feasible? Because we might have flaky tests or false-positive results after the test execution. For that reason, I never suggested to those companies implementation of this integration.

But anyway, let’s see how we can create JIRA tickets!


I am using the Jersey-Client library for Base64 transformation and Apache HttpClient libraries.

Here are the Maven Dependencies



I am going to use Basic Authentication as an example. There are many other ways to authenticate. You can just take a look at the JIRA documentation.
First, we need to create a Base64 key by using the JIRA username and API token.
You can create an API token by using this link.

String auth = new String(Base64.encode("JIRA_USER_NAME" + ":" + "API_TOKEN"));

Your token will be something like this:

Payload Example

In order to create a BUG ticket in JIRA, you need to post a JSON payload to the Restful URL.
The basic payload should include the Subject, Project key, and Issue Type. But I also added the description.

        "summary":"REST Test",
        "description":"{code}DB.EXECUTION.ERROR{code} Got 500 as Htp Status Code",

You can basically get the project key by fetching another endpoint. But I am going to hard code it into the JSON file.
Our issue type will be Bug. All JIRA projects have Bug as an issue type. If you have a custom one, you should change this value with a customs value. Summary and Description is a free format. I just use the {code} tag to style my description. I’ll show you the output at the end of the article.


Here I am going to apply the HTTP Post Basics that I talked about in that article.

CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://JIRA_URL/rest/api/2/issue");
httpPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic "+auth);
httpPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
httpPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "application/json");

String payload is below.

		"summary":"REST Test",
		"description":"{code}DB.EXECUTION.ERROR{code} Got 500 as Htp Status Code",

We post the payload.

StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(body);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost);

Then we read the response code and response content.

int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
System.out.println("Body: " +responseBody);
System.out.println("Status Code: " +statusCode);

The response will be something like this.

Body: {"id":"10008","key":"SWTES-9","self":"https://JIRA_URL/rest/api/2/issue/10008"}
Status Code: 201

Of course, you should change the architecture of the code before implementing it into your project. Better to parametrize the username, token, etc.

Here’s the output of our ticket:

Source Code can be found in https://github.com/swtestacademy/jiraIntegration

All you need to do is to integrate this code with the Test Runner framework that you use.

Happy Integrations!

4 thoughts on “JIRA Integration to Test Automation Project”

  1. Just a suggestion. I hope you are aware of this The Jira integration with Selenium covers only more a jira task updation. . Jira zephyr Zapi this is the api for Test case execution integration with Selenium or any Java related api related like ( testcard pass/Fail, test Care and test steps, test case creation . Adding this to the course would add a value to swetestacademy.com

    • Actually, We just want to show that any integration is possible when you start coding. In that tutorial, we showed how to create a Jira ticket. We have no integration to JUnit or TestNG, it’s just pure Java implementation for JIRA. We have another tutorial to demonstrate “TestRail-Selenium” integration

  2. Hello Canberk Akduygu,
    Thanks for your post. Here’s the Creating case. Could you show me How to update an existing ticket on Jira?


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