Extend Selenium Grid Video Recording Capability

Hello, in the previous article, I described how to extend Selenium Grid. You can reach the tutorial in this link. Today, I am going to add  Video Recording capability into our Selenium Grid. Let’s get started Selenium Grid Video Recording Capability.

Create a Recorder for Selenium Grid Video Recording Capability

I am using monte-repack library to record videos. You can take a look at the source code in our repository. The implementation might differ from your need. That’s why I don’t want to get into its details. Maven dependency that I used is:


Changing the Proxy Implementation

I want my proxy to start recording in case there are any custom desired capabilities about recording. So I add a String value for recording request. I will check its value and start the recording.

private static String RECORD_VIDEO = "recordVideo";

The code below will get the value of RECORD_VIDEO capability from the TestSession object.

record = (Boolean)session.getRequestedCapabilities().get(RECORD_VIDEO);

Then recording will start.

public void beforeSession(TestSession session){
    record = (Boolean)session.getRequestedCapabilities().get(RECORD_VIDEO);
    if (record) {
        screenRecorder = new Recorder();
        System.out.println("Video Recording value is "+record);

After the session ends, we need to stop recording by using the below code.

public void afterSession(TestSession session){
    System.out.println("Selenium Extending Grid - After Session");

How to Modify Your Desired Capabilities?

Add your desired capabilities in DesiredCapabilities object as below. Then run your test, and see your Grid records video like a charm.

We create the RemoteWebDriver with our newly added Desired capability in Before Annotation. By this way, every time a driver is created a new session will be created as well.

public  void beforeClass(){
   DesiredCapabilities caps =  DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
   try {
       driver = new RemoteWebDriver(
               new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"),
   } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

You can implement anything in the test.

public void test(){

//Test Implementation

We should use quit() method of WebDriver in JUnit’s After function. By doing so Selenium terminates the session and video recording is terminated.

public  void afterClass(){

Important Note:

Selenium Default Proxy doesn’t know if a new test is started or not. It only knows if there’s a new session or not. You should implement your new functions according to this fact.

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Full Code can be found in https://github.com/canb0/extendedSeleniumGrid

Canberk Akduygu

2 thoughts on “Extend Selenium Grid Video Recording Capability”

  1. Selam, testin başlayıp başlamadığını junit testleri için @Rule annotation ile verilmiş bir nesneye TestWatcher interface’ini uygulayarak alabilirsiniz.


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