How to Integrate Report Portal with Junit 5 and Spring Boot

In this article, I will explain how to install the report portal locally and integrate it with Spring Boot (WebFlux) Junit 5 projects.


We can install reportpotal via docker or Kubernetes. In this tutorial, I will explain the docker-compose method. If you use Docker for Windows or macOS, make sure there is at least 3GB dedicated to Docker.

Step-1: We need to install Docker Desktop on our machine. Link

Step-2: Download the docker-compose file from reportportal’s official page. Link

After this, we can run the below command for installation:

curl -LO

Step-3: Start the application with the command below.

docker-compose -p reportportal up -d --force-recreate

The meaning of the arguments:

  • -p reportportal adds project prefix ‘reportportal’ to all containers
  • up creates and starts containers
  • -d daemon mode
  • –force-recreate Re-creates containers by force

Useful commands:

  • docker-compose logs – It shows logs from all containers
  • docker logs <container_name> – It shows logs from selected container
  • docker ps -a | grep “reportportal_” | awk ‘{print $1}’ | xargs docker rm -f  – It deletes all ReportPortal containers

Step-4: Check the status of the containers on the Docker desktop or docker ps command, and if you see that all containers are healthy, you can open this link to reach the report portal.

Link: localhost:8080

Note: Reportportal will move to Elastic Search instead of PostgreSQL in version 5.8.0 and onwards. The docker installation currently has data migration and postgreSQL-related issues on M1 Machines. After the 5.8.0 announcement, this version will be tried as a POC, and the documentation will be updated. Link: 

Configuring ReportPortal Before Integration with a Specific Microservice

Open ReportPortal UI

Go to http:$IP_ADDRESS_OF_REPORT_PORTAL:8080 (by default, it is http://localhost:8080)

Log in as Admin user and create the project (more details here and here).


RP. Add Project 2

Add users to your project:

Go to Administrative -> My Test Project -> Members -> Add user

Example link http://localhost:8080/ui/#administrate/project-details/my_test_project/members

ReportPortal Spring Boot Microservices Integration

First, we need to add the below dependencies in pom.xml.



Under the test/resources folder, we need to create the file and set the values according to reportportal’s URLuuidlaunch name, and project name.

After you have created a new user in your project, you can get file example from the user Profile page

To do that, log in as a created user and go to the User icon in the header -> Profile

There, in the Configuration Examples section, you can find the example of file for that user.

More details on file could be found here.


rp.endpoint = http://localhost:8080
rp.uuid = dfcb4dc5-c3b6-49fa-b47f-742a8e78f532
rp.launch =superadmin_yourserice
rp.project = yourserice

Again, under test/resources folder, there is a logback.xml file, and we need to update it to gather reportportal logs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <property name="REPORT_PORTAL_PATTERN" value="%d [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n%throwable"/>
    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

We must create a new file under test/resources folder and name it as “junit-platform-properties” and copy-paste the below value into it.


Create a new folder as “META-INF/services” under the test/resources folder, and inside this folder, create a new file as “org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension”  and copy and paste the below line into it.


And finally, we must add the report portal extension “ReportPortalExtension.class” to the tests, as shown below.


Onur Baskirt

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