AWS CLI installation and setup

This article  we are going to help you use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installation & configuration to access Amazon S3

  • Set up  and Configure  Pip & Python
  • Install awscli using pip
  • Set up and configure  aws cli tool 
  • Check and Verify
  • AWS console configuration

Install python-pip:

apt-get update

Then let’s install python-pip and any required packages:

apt-get -y install python-pip


We can  use curl and python to download and install Pip.

curl "" -o ""
pip -V

Install AWS CLI using pip :

pip install awscli

AWS Console Configuration :

Before start to use AWS CLI we need to create user with right permissions. So I created a new user “swtestacademy”

Click on Users on the left side.


Click the Create New Users button.


Click the Download Credentials button and save the credentials.csv file


Click on the Permissions tab and then click on the Attach Policy button.


Open terminal :

aws configure

The AWS CLI will prompt you for four pieces of information. AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key are your account credentials



AWS CLI stores credentials specified with aws configure in a local file named credentials in a folder named .aws in your home directory and installation can be verified using below command.

ls ~/.aws
aws help

Now I can create s3 bucket – to create a new bucket named my-first-backup1

aws s3 mb s3://my-first-backup1


AWS-CLI can list s3 buckets which I created before

aws s3 ls


AWS regions & endpoints information

aws ec2 describe-regions

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Terminate your instance:

 aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids i-636de6ff


for more information about aws-cli visit

Hope you find helpful.
Onur Yazir

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